The equity trading on the Nigerian Stock Exchange (NSE) on Tuesday witnessed a downturn following price losses suffered by some blue chips. This caused the market indices to slide by 0.32 per cent. The All-Share Index declined by 70.67 points to close at 22,120.47 against 22,191.14 recorded on Monday. Also, the market capitalisation, which opened at N7. 084 trillion, dropped by N23 billion or 0.32 per cent to close at N7.061 trillion.
PZ Cusson recorded the highest price loss of N1.32 to close at N25.18 per share. Beta Glass followed with a loss of 55k to close at N10.55, while Zenith Bank lost 32k to close at N14.05 per share. The Cement Company of Northern Nigerian (CCNN) dipped by 30k to close at N5.70 per share, while Oando shed 26k to close at N14.12 per share.
On the other hand, NewGold led the gainers chart with N13 to close at N2, 495 per unit. ConOil came second, gaining 93k to close at N20.54 per share, while UAC-Property appreciated by 44k to close at N9.26 per share. UBN grew by 10k to close at N4.05, while Cutix gained 7k to close at N1.59 per share. In spite of the downturn, investors bought 225.55 million shares worth N1.8 billion in 3,645 deals. This was against 136.81 million shares valued at N1.7 billion traded in 2,956 deals on Monday