Home News Tinubu, Dosumu hails Supreme Court judgement on LG, professionals say will lead to massive devt

Tinubu, Dosumu hails Supreme Court judgement on LG, professionals say will lead to massive devt

by Business News Report

President Bola Tinubu has welcomed the decision of the Supreme Court of Nigeria affirming the spirit, intent, and purpose of the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria on the statutory rights of local governments. The President states that a fundamental challenge to the nation’s advancement over the years has been ineffective local government administration, as governance at the critical cellular level of socio-political configuration is nearly absent. The President emphasises that the onus is now on local council leaders to ensure that the broad spectrum of Nigerians living at that level are satisfied that they are benefitting from people-oriented service delivery. “The Renewed Hope Agenda is about the people of this country, at all levels, irrespective of faith, tribe, gender, political affiliation, or any other artificial line they say exists between us. This country belongs to all of us. By virtue of this judgement, our people – especially the poor – will be able to hold their local leaders to account for their actions and inactions. What is sent to local government accounts will be known, and services must now be provided without excuses. 

“My administration instituted this suit because of our unwavering belief that our people must have relief and today’s judgement will ensure that it will be only those local officials elected by the people that will control the resources of the people. This judgement stands as a resounding affirmation that we can use legitimate means of redress to restructure our country and restructure our economy to make Nigeria a better place to live in and a fairer society for all of our people,” President Tinubu states. President Tinubu notes that the provision of some essential amenities and public goods, such as the construction and maintenance of certain roads, streets, street lighting, drains, parks, gardens, open spaces, and other residual responsibilities, including community security, has tottered owing to the emasculation of local governments.

The President affirms that the decision of the Supreme Court to uphold the constitutional rights and ideals of local governments as regards financial autonomy, and other salient principles, is of historic significance and further reinforces the effort to enhance Nigeria’s true federal fabric for the development of the entire nation. President Tinubu commends the Attorney-General of the Federation and Minister of Justice, Mr. Lateef Fagbemi (SAN) for his diligence and patriotic effort on this important assignment. The President states that his administration remains committed to protecting the principles of the charter governing citizens, institutions of government, arms, and tiers of government in furtherance of building an efficient and performance-driven governance system that works for every Nigerian.

Also Dr Ade Dosunmu Human Rights Activist and Senior Advocate of Nigeria, said that the decision of the Supreme Court of Nigeria on the matter of Autonomy of the Local Governments brought before it by the office of the Attorney General of the Federation is a landmark judgement that is long overdue, but timely just as some Professionals Forum has hailed the Supreme Court affirmation of local government autonomy, saying it will go down in history as one of major gifts to Nigeria’s democratic growth. The forum in a statement signed by the Chairman of its Board of Trustees and former Governor of Bauchi state, Dr Isa Yuguda, maintained that the apex court ruling will pave way for grassroots development and efficiency at that third tier of government.

Dosumu said that the importance of this decision at this time in our history cannot be over emphasised as it will no doubt guarantee the delivery of dividends of democracy to the grass root as represented by the 774 Local Governments. We now have a well structured federal system that guarantees the independence of each tier of government like it is obtainable in other federal jurisdictions all over the world. State governors are advised to take it in good faith and see this as a sacrifice they need to make for the advancement of our democracy.  To the Local Government chairmen, it should be seen as a call for accountability and more dedication to duty, because to whom much is given, much is expected. My advise to Nigerians who live in the 774 local governments is to get involved and demand for accountability from their local government chairmen. There must be robust civic engagement by the residents of the local govts on how funds allocated are utilised and monitor how projects are implemented.

Yugudu said “Like many Nigerians, we have always wondered why state governments have over the years held on to funds meant for local government administrations contrary to constitutional provisions. But what made this development more painful in recent months is how in spite of a quantum leap in allocations from Federal Account Allocation Committee FAAC to states and local governments since President Tinubu assumed office, there has not been a commensurate improvement in development at state level, let alone at the grassroots. This was why we were firmly in support of the President’s position on local government as well as the decision by his administration through the Attorney General of the Federation AGF, Lateef Fagbemi to sue the 36 state governors over alleged misuse of local government funds. And now that the Supreme Court has affirmed our position and declared it unconstitutional for governors to hold onto funds meant for local government  administration, we have nothing but praise for President Tinubu for testing the matter in court. This, for us, is in line with his character as we easily recall how as governor of Lagos state, he took the federal government to the Supreme court on multiple occasions on constitutional matters.

“Back to the court’s affirmation of local government autonomy, we at Professionals Forum, see the decision as the first step towards proper grass root roots development because all the 774 local government councils would now have direct access to funds statutorily allocated to them. This is good for democracy and is bound to ensure that the people benefit from increased fund allocations to the third tier of government as a result of the removal of fuel subsidy.” The Forum also hailed the role played by the President in making local government autonomy a reality.

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