A medium size SME is seeking genuine investors to expand its facility in palm oil processing business. The company in reaching out to would be investors said “We are an Agric based company located here in Ikorodu Lagos State. We produce palm kernel oil and kernel cakes which we sell to other companies and individuals. The kernel oil is used for the manufacturing of edible oil, soap, creams etc.
“The cakes for Animal and poultry farmers as feeds. It is our desire to expand our business to commence the production of edible oil and Soap which is in great demand. We therefore require stake holders as investors, partners and Shareholders to join us in our said project. Our company is 100% debit free from banks, private individuals or institutions. Our factory is built and operates from our own land. You may wish to visit. Interested investors, partners can contact us at businessnewsreport.com,ng on 08023051445