Nigeria’s crude oil exports are set to slip to 1.52 million barrels per day (bpd) in June, according to loading programmes compiled by Reuters on Tuesday. The programme for the month is down from a revised schedule of 1.63 million bpd in May. Three of the June cargoes of Qua
Iboe, the largest Nigerian stream, were deferred from May.
Operator ExxonMobil has reissued the Qua Iboe plan several times in the past two months due to persistent, but unexplained,
loading delays, and there are now seven cargoes planned for each of May and June. Planned June exports are just below Angola’s schedule of
1.67 million bpd. Nigeria had consistently been Africa’s largest oil exporter, but its loadings have fallen below those of Angola several times over the past year as it had to deal with militant attacks on oil infrastructure in the Niger Delta. Nigeria will also export four cargoes of Akpo condensate in
June, the same figure as in May.
Grade June Barrels May Barrels cargoes per day cargoes per day Abo 0 0 1 23,000 Agbami 7 228,000 8 252,000 Amenam 3 95,000 4 123,000 Antan 1 32,000 2 42,000 Bonga 6 195,000 6 184,000 Bonny Light 7 203,000 6 189,000 Brass River 5 110,000 5 112,000 EA 0 0 1 31,000 Ebok* 1 21,000 Erha 4 133,000 4 129,000 Escravos 4 127,000 5 153,000 Forcados** 0 0 0 0 Okono 1 30,000 1 29,000 Okwori 1 22,000 0 0 Oyo* Pennington* Qua Iboe 7 222,000 7 215,000 Usan 2 63,000 3 97,000 Yoho 2 63,000 1 31,000 Total 50 1.52 MLN 55 1.63 MLN *Not yet available **Grade under force majeure
Source: Reuters