Market Cap (N’bn) 6,294.11
Market Cap (US$’bn) 39.14
NSE All-Share Index 20,000.76
Daily Performance % (0.51)
1 Week Performance % (1.47)
YTD Performance % (19.26)
Daily Volume (Million) 210.00
Daily Value (N’bn) 1.95
Daily Value (US$’m) 12.13
The Nigerian Stock Exchange All-Share Index lost 51basic points today. Institutional sales trimmed off points from top-tier banks and mid-tier banks. GTBank and Zenith Bank lost less than 1.0 per cent apiece, while First Bank and Access Bank shed 3.7 per cent and 4.9 per cent respectively. Current glutting offers could lead to more losses in the near future. On the flip side, low priced stocks were the favourites in the sector, as Unity Bank and Sterling Bank rallied with gains of 3.9 per cent and 3.5 per cent respectively. Stanbic IBTC also closed on the up-tick with a 2.8 per cent mark-up; robust demand at N7.50 and a dearth of offers could lead to more gains in the near future.
In the breweries sector, NB rallied at the close of proceedings with a marginal 0.4% gain; current demand could drive prices further up tomorrow. Guinness, on the other hand, recorded no price change as participants were unwilling to buy above N202.00, while International Breweries lost maximum points Fringe players were the top gainers today, as crossed deals led to a 4.9 per cent mark-up for Roads and a 3.5 per cent gain for Fidson, while demand for Law Union & Rock led to a 3.8 per cent uptick in its share price.