By Omoh Gabriel, Business Editor
A multibillion naira investment in satallite broadcasting has commenced the delivery of deital satellite broadcast in Nigeria and across the West Africa sub region. The over N10 billion investment was packaged by Otunba Reuben Ilemoboye Jamuyibo. Headquartered in Victoria Island Frontage satellite Television is beaming programmes directly from Europe to Nigeria via satellite. The facility is the second Digital Satellite Television after that of Multichoice which beam its signal from South Africa. Both Festv and Multichoice TV are satellite digital television broadcasting popularly referred to as (DSTV) The project financed by a consortium of banks is offering Nigerians a range of services from entertainment to linkage via tv and internet browsing through the satellite cable service.
According to Rita Oluwole, the Amin manager of FSTV the company offers all round family entertainment on FS movie, whichb include soap opera like the city, home and away, USA high, Profiler etc. She said “in a changing world keep your finger on the pulse with 24 hour news channels from BBC, Fox News, plus coverage of business news fro CNBC, and Arabic news from Al Jazeera”. Others include sports action live from UK and Europe, the premiership cups,and league and excellent religious programmes from the God Channel, MTA for Muslims, EWTN for catholics and FS Miracles, a dynamic christian channel featruring inspiring pastors and churches from and around Africa.
FSTV Oluwole said started with 11 channels and has moved up to 22. Mr. Belo-Osagie Osaro the customer service manager said that customer do not have to select channels from block as is with othe satellite television but have access to all channels being offered by FSTV. He said that subsribers to the station do not have to pay their subscription through the bank or by queuing in the office of FSTV rather they just have to buy a scratch card and load call in the number in the card as is done with GSM phone cards. Besides, FSTV is offering the service to starters with N27,000 for the decoder and a staggered subscription of N1,500 per week, N5,000 per month and N50,000 for one year depending on the ability of the customer. This he said include installation service. He said that instead of paying N60,000 for one year subscription the customer nis actually given a discount and a two months free service.
Mr. Freeborn, manager with AMA House, an exclusive guest house in Victoria Island, a customer of FSTV said that the services of FSTV are commendable. He said that he had an initial resitence to the ideal of installing FSTV facilities in the guest house having had others before. But when the services were installed he has discovered that FSTV is more resilent to bad weather. He said that while other digital satellite television have difficulties during rainstorms, FSTV remains stable and clear during inclement weather. He also said that while in some others, it takes them time to come after power failure, FSTV comes on immediately power is restored. He further said that with FSTV you do not require addition network of cables if one is already on any cable satellite television. He said FSTV is quite compatible with any digital satellite network.
He said that Alcatel engineers who lodge in his guest house has describe the FSTV resilent to storm as a mojor pus for Nigeria in terms of satellite broadcasting.
But he said that FSTV needed to expand its channel base to include CNN, Sky news etc which most Nigerians are used to. He also said that the company needed to have enough technical crew on ground to respond to distress call from customer.