The Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) has noticed reports, in certain media outlets, about a recommendation for the Federal Government to take over some CBN-supervised financial institutions. For the avoidance of doubt, Nigerian banks remain safe and sound. The CBN encourages the public to continue their regular activities without being alarmed by reports that have not emanated from the CBN about the health status of Nigerian banks. The CBN is fully equipped to carry out its statutory duty of upholding a stable financial system in Nigeria. We assure the general public and depositors about the safety of their funds in Nigerian financial institutions. Bank customers are therefore advised to proceed with their banking transactions as usual, as there is no cause for concern.

Nigeria’s financial system has been shaken to its foundation since Jim Obazee leaked his report on the probe of the Central Bank of Nigeria to the media. The report recommended that Union Bank and Titan bank be taken over. But reacting to the report former CBN Deputy Governor Moghalu has sad said “this is a media trial and prejudices the rights of these individuals named or referred to. This is NOT how a report into the Central Bank of Nigeria should be handled. The central bank of any country is a very sensitive institution and confidence (or the lack of it) in the institution has practical consequences on the ground for Nigeria’s economy. As much as the Bank and its leaders ought to be accountable for their official actions, we must consider the continuing damage this kind of sensationalism (which, knowing our country, nothing much is likely to come of it at the end of the day) does to Nigeria’s economy, image, and the institution of the CBN itself. When it comes to law, allegations are simply allegations unless and until proven in a court of law.
“While the law should certainly take its course, it is worth noting that an exclusive focus on the CBN as a “fight against corruption” may come to seem more as vendetta than anything else IF other sensitive entities such as the NNPC, Nigeria’s national oil company, are not subjected to a similarly vigorous searchlight. Corruption has robbed Nigerian of its destiny and impoverished our citizens while enriching at insane levels a select few. Combating it has to be a holistic affair, not just politically convenient media trials”.